15 Minutes from Vancouver:
1051 Eburne Place, Mitchell Island
V6V 2Y7 Vancouver BC
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The most affordable storage rates for secure self storage in Vancouver.
Storage space in Vancouver, BC? Big or small space? Short or long term? No problem, we offer a great variety of storage units to meet your needs. Our storage units start at $39 / month. We are proud to have made over 3000 customers happy since our opening in 2004. We serve businesses and the general public in Vancouver. Our facility is very secure, clean and centrally located in Greater Vancouver. Our promise is to provide you with great value and convenient self storage services.
Customer Benefits
We strive to offer our customers great value by offering affordable and secure self storage in Vancouver with many benefits.

10 Foot Ceilings
Get 20% more space than other storage centres in Vancouver.

Open Weeknights and Weekends
Open weeknights and weekends. Available when you need us.
Steel Units: 6am-10:30 pm
7 days per week (with FOB)
Buildings: M-F 8:30am-5pm, Sat. 9am-5pm